产品概述(product overview):
DHK-REJ600智能机器人脉冲射流表面精整加工中心执行机构基于智能机器人平台,高压清洗机构装夹在智能手腕上,6自由度任意调节喷头射流方向,随着旋转机构的动作,机器人夹持喷头至指定位置对工件上的孔系、内、外表面及内腔进行旋转定点清洗、剥离、去毛刺。 同时该加工中心将超声波脉冲共振技术引入高压水射流技术领域,充分利用高压水射流和超声波发生器产生的强力高频机械振动脉冲及超声波共振的能量, 比普通超高压水射流提高清洗、剥离能力5 - 8 倍。
(To be an actuator of DHK-REJ600 intelligent robot pulsed water-jet finished machining centre, intelligent robot along with high-pressure cleaning device can fulfill cleaning, peeling and removing burr for internal and external surface of holes and inner cavity of parts on specified position through rotating mechanism, and the high-pressure cleaning device, clamped on robot, can adjust its jet directions randomly with six degrees of freedom. Furthermore, by using ultrasonic pulse resonance technology, high mechanical vibration pulse and ultrasonic vibration energy generated by generator and water-jet would be brought in full play, that cause the capability of cleaning and peeling improve 5-8 times higher than ordinary high-pressure water-jet equipment.)
产品功能(product functions):
(This equipment will be widely used on cleaning, peeling and removing burr for huge shell parts, valve parts, mobile
engine cylinders involved in several fields such as aerospace, mobile, ship, petrochemical, machining, hydraulic project and etc.)
产品特点(product features):
(By combining using core technologies of pulsed water-jet, intelligent robot and PLC controlling, this equipment improves efficiency and practicality in cleaning, peeling and removing burr, featuring with energy-saving and ejection-decreasing, advanced technology, novel type, reliable performance and suit to flow shop.)
性能参数(Performance parameters):
工作压力(working pressure):30~60Mpa、连续可调(continuously adjustable)
工作流量(working flow):20~35L/min、连续可调(continuously adjustable)
脉冲功率(pulse power):2kw、相同压力下提高清洗效果5~8倍(cleaning capability gains 5-8times higher in same pressure)
工件回转半径(radius of gyration):Ø 500 mm
最大工件重量(Max part weight):200 Kg
除锈、去毛刺等级 (derusting and removing burr level):Sa2.5
应用领域(Industry application):